Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yesterday - a whirlwind learning experience!

Wow -- I have learned more and seen more about the auction business in the last 24 hours than I thought possible. blog.

We started yesterday with an hour-long drive to Christy's of Indiana. Jack Christy is about the most wonderful person I know -- he is kind, smart, a good communicator -- and wow, his business is incredible. He opened his business to 69 Auctioneers (and me!) yesterday. Jack specializes in personal property -- he and his team clean out four houses a week (whether they be estates or divorces or relocation, etc.) and brings the goods to his auction house where he holds a weekly sale. It is quite an operation -- one where he brings in the whole family. It was an incredible experience and I got a chance to see Kathy Babar and Melissa Davis (Jack's daughter) and her twin boys and her daughter Sidney (the photo of Jack and his wife and Melissa and one of the boys was one I took at the Fun Auction later last night). What a wonderful family!

We drove back with box lunches in hand and listened to Jere Day yesterday afternoon talking about auction proposals -- he is really so smart and gives the class so many different tips and tools. He's a great resource for all of us! AND...he wants NAA to go into online education -- I am so pscyhed!

Last night was the Fun Auction. Class II did a wonderful job of putting this together and they raised more than $26,000 ($8,000 with the Fund A need -- Michael Venicki's family will be the recipient). This group reminds me of golf course superintendents -- they take care of each other. Michael passed away about two weeks ago of an advanced and aggressive form of prostrate cancer. His daughter, Winter, has been a remarkable individual (10 years old) who has raised more than $100,000 for cancer research. This class, though, wanted to help the family so all of the money raised in the Fund A Need will go to the family as well as the Buyer's Premium (10% of the total amount raised).
I have been blessed to work for two organizations whose members really care -- this warms my heart more than you can know. So we are at our last full day of CAI -- this morning we are talking accounting and this afternoon we have Aaron Traffas talking about technology (can't wait Aaron!). I'm planning to go out to eat tonight and then will probably stop by Nick's -- doubt anyone will be there from our group though -- I'm sure everyone will be studying for their big test tomorrow! LOL!

It's been a good week -- one where I've learned a lot. I've dodged the creeping crud that struck Harlan at the first of the week, Kurt Aumann mid-week and Scott Shuman on his way home. So for me, life is good....but then it always is!

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