I'm in Washington, D.C. -- one of my favorite cities in the entire world! I love the electricity that you find right when you get off the plane here!
I'm in Washington, D.C. to go to Springtime, an ASAE-sponsored event, where Sherry Truhlar is going to be conducting an auction tomorrow on behalf of NAA! We'll get to show people why they should hire a benefit auctioneer! This will be a trial to see how this can work in Toronto at the annual meeting!
Since CAI, I haven't written much. I don't know how much people really want to read -- what is happening at the headquarters, getting ready for the Board meeting next week, getting Board materials out -- trying to figure out how to integrate Twitter and Facebook and this blog and make it meaningful.
I'm trying to figure it out!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Yesterday - a whirlwind learning experience!
Wow -- I have learned more and seen more about the auction business in the last 24 hours than I thought possible. Hence....no blog.
We started yesterday with an hour-long drive to Christy's of Indiana. Jack Christy is about the most wond
erful person I know -- he is kind, smart, a good communicator -- and wow, his business is incredible. He opened his business to 69 Auctioneers (and me!) yesterday. Jack specializes in personal property -- he and his team clean out four houses a week (whether they be estates or divorces or relocation, etc.) and brings the goods to his auction house where he holds a weekly sale. It is quite an operation -- one where he brings in the whole
family. It was an incredible experience and I got a chance to see Kathy Babar and Melissa Davis (Jack's daughter) and her
twin boys and her daughter Sidney (the photo of Jack and his wife and Melissa and one of the boys was one I took at the Fun Auction later last night). What a wonderful family!

We drove back with box lunches in hand and listened to Jere Day yesterday afternoon talking about auction proposals -- he is really so smart and gives the class so many different tips and tools. He's a great resource for all of us! AND...he wants NAA to go into online education -- I am so pscyhed!
Last night was the Fun Auction. Class II did a wonderful job of putting this together and they raised more than $26,000 ($8,000 with the Fund A need -- Michael Venicki's family will be the recipient). This group reminds me of golf course superintendents -- they take care of each other. Michael passed away about two weeks ago of an advanced and aggressive form of prostrate cancer. His daughter, Winter, has been a remarkable individual (10 years old) who has raised more than $100,000 for cancer research. This class, though, wanted to help the family so all of the money raised in the Fund A Need will go to the family as well as the Buyer's Premium (10% of the total amount raised).
I have been blessed to work for two organizations whose members really care -- this warms my heart more than you can know. So we are at our last full day of CAI -- this morning we are talking accounting and this afternoon we have Aaron Traffas talking about technology (can't wait Aaron!). I'm planning to go out to eat tonight and then will probably stop by Nick's -- doubt anyone will be there from our group though -- I'm sure everyone will be studying for their big test tomorrow! LOL!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Legal issues -- I am so glad I'm not an attorney

I know this stuff is really important -- (dang is it ever) but it is sooooo hard to listen to (particularly after lunch and particularly as I look outside and see blue sky!). As an educator, how will I recommend that this class be taught so that the information is better received? We've gone over trademarks and copyrights and 990s and business set ups and....well it's been very comprehensive. Could we do this as a Jeopardy game? Could we figure out some way to make it more interactive? I'm not sure -- and frankly, maybe these students really like it (as I said the information is outstanding!).

Here's the other thing -- we started this class with the Rotary next door. So when the Rotarians finished eating, guess what we heard (bang, clang, clink, clunk -- dishes being cleared) and now it's 3:30 and the students are beginning to bowl again -- Oh, I've forgotten to write that we are right above the Student Union bowling alley! For the first two days, I thought I was hearing someone moving. I told Traci that it sounded like a bowling alley and she said that's because it is!!!!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow to go to Jack's auction house and see his operation. I want to go outside!
Here's what I'm fixated on right now -- these cupcakes will be in the Fun Auction tomorrow. I'm thinking someone needs to buy them and give them to class advisors AND staff support! :)
It really IS a great experience -- I am enjoying this immensely. I'm meeting a ton of people and I'm hearing lots of stories! Tomorrow will be a hoot and Aaron -- we have big expectations for you! Loo
king forward to seeing you on Thursday!
So, that's it for today in Bloomington, Indiana. I think I better go and listen to tax impacts and stocks and ...well you get the picture!

So, that's it for today in Bloomington, Indiana. I think I better go and listen to tax impacts and stocks and ...well you get the picture!

We can not build what we WANT to build

Yesterday I listed to Andrea Moore and her partner Jeremy talk about the rule
s and regulations related to HR and as many HR classes as I've sat in, I learned.

The best part though are the people. I'm learning so much from our class mates. We had major technology problems yesterday and classmates jumped in to fix it. And if someone has computer problems, there are others to help.
We have great stories here too. And different perspectives. I had one student come up yesterday after our first speaker's presentation. Our speaker made a statement about doing benefit auctions for free -- this student was a benefit auctioneer and told me he was going to start selling real estate for free! He won't but his point hit home with me in a way that none other had! By golly, I think I'm finally figuring this out.
The only problem we have -- it gets cold in our classroom -- it gets hot. It gets cold in our classroom, it gets hot and so on and so on and so on!

Last night we had dinner with the faculty and with some of the Trustees and Board members. These folks are so committed to NAA and to CAI. That's what I love about association management -- you really do meet people who are passionate about their profession.
I'm closing now, because I want to hear Dan talk about price!
Monday, March 23, 2009
There is never a wrong time to do the right thing.
David Hart can keep the attention if he talks about paint drying! That's what one person told me. Interesting that we think about ethics and paint drying in the same sentence!
We started this morning with IT problems (hint to all future CAI students -- make sure you come with your laptop ready with the proper version of Word and PowerPoint!). Those were the easy problems to fix -- what was more difficult was the LCD projector (which had a burnt out bulb and then a bad connection!). It's been a long time since I was in the classroom and I had forgotten about all the things that could go wrong!
I did enjoy David's presentation -- I learned a lot (which is good because I deal with grievances a LOT!).
Traci has already collected her first $25 for someone's cell phone going off (I am SOOOO glad it wasn't mine!). The good news is we have this caterer named Lester who brings us sodas and refills our goodie plates -- we are thankful for Lester! The solarium (our room) gets hot and then it gets cold and then...well you get the picture.
But it's all good -- this afternoon is HR and students are already into it. I promise more photos tonight! In the meantime, I loved one quote I picked up from David this morning:
There is never a wrong time to do the right thing.
How true!
We started this morning with IT problems (hint to all future CAI students -- make sure you come with your laptop ready with the proper version of Word and PowerPoint!). Those were the easy problems to fix -- what was more difficult was the LCD projector (which had a burnt out bulb and then a bad connection!). It's been a long time since I was in the classroom and I had forgotten about all the things that could go wrong!
I did enjoy David's presentation -- I learned a lot (which is good because I deal with grievances a LOT!).
Traci has already collected her first $25 for someone's cell phone going off (I am SOOOO glad it wasn't mine!). The good news is we have this caterer named Lester who brings us sodas and refills our goodie plates -- we are thankful for Lester! The solarium (our room) gets hot and then it gets cold and then...well you get the picture.
But it's all good -- this afternoon is HR and students are already into it. I promise more photos tonight! In the meantime, I loved one quote I picked up from David this morning:
There is never a wrong time to do the right thing.
How true!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
CAI - the networking event!
The South Carolina bunch

This will be short -- I'm pooped. And it's only day one! I had a great time, talking with old friends and new ones and laughing! The photos below tell a good tale! By the way, Class I rocks! We won the total prize! Imagine, if you will a little happy dance from me! Night, night all.....

This will be short -- I'm pooped. And it's only day one! I had a great time, talking with old friends and new ones and laughing! The photos below tell a good tale! By the way, Class I rocks! We won the total prize! Imagine, if you will a little happy dance from me! Night, night all.....
David and Megan and her dollars from Class II
More tomorrow.........................
CAI has begun!

Okay, so I'm finally beginning to get it! This morning I went down to the Mezzanine level and I saw dozens and dozens and dozens and... (you get the point) of Auctioneers, milling about, talking, laughing and hugging! How cool! I got caught up in it! I wanted to find all of the Green Tags (the Year I students) I could and introduce myself and say hey! I found a whole bunch of ladies who a
re in Class I this year and Tracy found some as well!
I also had saw lots of reconnecting that was going on -- in fact Dennis Kruse reconnected with one of his classmates from the Charter Class of CAI -- Dennis tells me he has been a member of NAA since 1964. I'm impressed!

I found a bunch and helped herd them down to Alumni Hall (I'm so excited because I knew where something was) for the Opening Brunch. We learned that Tim Kruse had won the Rose Award. Unfortunately he missed the presentation because he was on his way from San Antonio, but his dad Dennis was there (bringing down Tim's clothes!) and picked up the award for
him. Brenden McCurdy won the Pat Massart Award and Jack Christy won the Delta award. I don't know how much Class I really understood the significance of these awards, but they will!

After the brunch, there were times for class photos to be taken and then we got everyone into the room to start. I was actually able to help a couple of people connect to the wireless (Robert Mayo and Aaron Traffas, where were you when I needed you!).
Then I had to leave for the Trustees meeting. I'm sorry I left because I understand that they had a class on Active Listening -- in fact one of the Class I guys told me he was really glad that it was at the first of the week because he will now listen better! I'm sure there are staff members at NAA and certainly my husband Mike that wishes I too had been in that class!
I'm back in my room and changing clothes and heading back to Alumni Hall tonight for more fun and more connections -- this time over a gaming table. And then tomorrow, I get to start the real fun -- class with Class I at CAI! Move over Traci cause here I come!
And then I headed out to the
Saturday, March 21, 2009
For my friends who are not Auctioneers (and I do have some!), CAI is the Certified Auctioneer Institute. It is a class that is held one week for three years at Indiana University -- I've heard it described as the Auctioneers Master Degree. As many of you know -- I question everything. So I'm here to learn! Is it really as good as they say it is?
The official curriculum doesn't start until tomorrow. However, one of the things I hear is that CAI is about the people you meet -- the people who will be your new friends and the people who will be your business colleagues for years to come. One of the common elements everyone talks about is Nick's (as you read from my post earlier today, I've already been introduced). Tonight people were invited (if they were in) to meet up in the Union and go to dinner.
We had a LOT of people show up! Now that's good, but it's also bad, because we have lots of people -- which means we can't just walk into any restaurant. Unless of course that restaurant is Nick's!
Now, let me describe Nick's for those of you who haven't been there (if you are on Facebook, Nick's actually has a group -- join it for fun!). Nick's is simply a sports bar w
ith tons and tons of televisions and hamburgers and fries and lots of other kinds of sports bar food. I think you'll see though that it serves its purpose -- people like Rick and Cindy Stroud certainly made new friends and so did David Meares! And as I was leaving, Dick Whittington was coming in. (By the way, please don't hold me accountable for spelling people's names correctly!).

So, myth number 1 -- everyone ends up at Nick's and everyone has a good time. Check and check. If the rest of the myths are as true as this one, I'm in for a good time and a lot of auction education this week.
I'll keep you all updated on the progress! I
n the meantime, go Texas -- beat Duke (even though that will totally mess up my bracket) and congrats to OU (I'm rooting for the Big 12)!
Now Rock Chalk Jayhawk -- KU win tomorrow (please!)
CAI: The introduction to Bloomington
CAI -- ever since I started working at NAA, I heard about CAI. "It's so great -- it's a time to bond -- I really became a better Auctioneer attending CAI." Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Harlan and Lois have put me to work -- I'm serving as staff support for Class I.

After months of preparation, we finally packed our bags and headed to Indianapolis. I have my three CAI staff shirts, loads of clothes and a desire to learn what is so special about this week that many graduates look for an excuse to come back. So here we are -- now I get to see what all the fuss is all about.
I'll also have ot admit, this is my first foray into blogging. I've decided I want to try it. So tell me what I'm doing right -- and tell me what I'm doing wrong!
Yesterday, Harlan, Lois and I met Christie King (advisor for Class III) and Mark Geyer (CAI Vice-Chair) at the airport in Indianapolis. We caught the shuttle to Bloomington (I didn't see much of the country side
because I was watching the KU scores pop up on my Blackberry -- KU won, so I hope to see a little of their game tomorrow!).

We got in, checked into our hotel room and began to unpack the 17 boxes that held the CAI materials (flash drives, notebooks, awards, a scanner and much, much more!).
After a quick tour of the Union, we decided it was time to eat (dinner time beckons!). Ate at a great restaurant in downtown Bloomington called Malibu's and then headed to the infamous Nick's. Now CAI and Nick's is always mentioned in the same breath -- Nick's is an icon and after visiting Nick's, I have a better understanding. Lawrence has the Wheel and Bloomington has Nick's! More to come during the week!

Terri Walker joined us at Nick's and Lois, Christie, Marc and Terri and I had a great time -- Harlan wasn't feeling well but we made up for his absence. We made it an early evening, though. Want to make sure we are ready for the upcoming week.

On Sunday, we worked with the CAI committee to make sure things are on track. And although it was some work, it was cool to see how serious the advisers and the CAI committee are about making sure this is a great learning experience for all of the students. And frankly, they are all great people -- this week is starting off well!
Tracy and I will be meeting our class at 6 tonight for dinner -- so more photos and more fun to come! I am so psyched about this!
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